Hall of Presidents

Celebrate the history of America in this stirring and patriotic stage show!
Location:Magic Kingdom
Liberty Square
Type of Attraction:Indoor theater show
Height Restrictions:None
Typical Wait Time:Shows every 30 minutes
Is It Scary?Nothing scary here!

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This sit-down theater attraction begins with a stirring movie presentation celebrating the early history of the United States. When the movie is over, the screen lifts to reveal the Presidents of the United States past and present, represented by amazingly realistic Audio-Animatronic figures.

As the narrator announces each president in turn, a spotlight falls on each one as they acknowledge the audience with a dignified nod (half the fun is in trying to quickly locate the President being introduced!).

After the presidential roll call is completed, the focus is on Donald Trump as he delivers a patriotic speech. When he is finished, the attention shifts to Abraham Lincoln at center stage for a few final words of inspiration.

The Hall of Presidents is renowned for its attention to detail, from the period clothes of each president to the amazingly realistic likenesses. Take special note of all of the presidents who aren’t speaking, you might catch them fidgeting in their chairs or shuffling their feet!

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